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On Friday 31st of July 2015 at 6 pm Pop Up Cinema at Greenagres Community Center in Great Manchester was host of 14 shorts and animations of Sisff 2015 



















Short Films were screened in the order below :

Highlights of SISFF 2015 at Greenacres Community Center

  Friday 31 July 2015 6pm

   A small group of youth in age range of 8 - 13
from the local area attended this event. 
   Admision was £2 and All proceeds of this
event are going to dedicate to MAHAK, chariteble Organization" in IRAN which support
Children who suffer from cancel.
   We would like to give a great thanks to
managment of Greenacres community
centre  for helping us to organize this event.

- Spore by Matthew Dombrowski
- Moments by Chris Cronin 
- I've just had a dream by Javier Navarro 
- Image by Yousef Jafary
- Illusion by Reza Hanifi
- Lila by  Carlos Lascano
- (Mikhorad bar bame khaneh) -
- It hits upon the roof by Teymor Ghadiry
- Delta by John Schultz
- The Look by Audrey Noone
- A bottle of lives by Chingyu Yang
- Blue dream by gergo Elekes
- Sham and glasses by Alessandro Riconda
- Rosso Papavero by Martin Smatana
- A film by Abigail by Paul Vernon
bY; Mandana Ansaari
 The event lasted 75 minutes , silence and laughter of kids during event was a sign of engaging with the films.
   Peter was 12 years old , he told us this was the first time he had attended  an independent cinema.He liked "shame and Glasses" because he thought it was a very surprising ending.
  Work for children is far from competitive and commercial world. In a very pure atmosphere we observed their sincerity.
   Jenny was 9 years old. She enjoyed the show but was scared of the Puppets in Rosso Papavero.
   Chris 7 years old said: My favourite short was Illusion. I loved the way characters spoke was very funny.
   Illusion won many film festivals in America and carry a political message. The director is Reza Hanifi, an Iranian animator. His animation succeeded to make connection with audiances from different country.
   Sara was 13 years old she liked"Lila" because of the beautiful fantasy of story. Lila drew her dreams come true in the world when all people they are in harmoney and peace.

   I remembered  Frogh Farokhsad, an Iranian poet when she wrote "If you came to my home my kind friend, bring for me a light and a window to make me able to look at the over crowded alley full of happiness"


Address: Greenacres Pop Up Cinema, Greenacres Community Centre, Galland Street, Green-acres, Oldham, OL4 3EU

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